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Interview with ℮СŌЯE [GEDZAC] ( Vx Coder)


The member of the famous Spanish Vx Group called Gedzac.Let's know more about this interesting person!

Davi :
Hello eCORE, thank you for your time.
Davi :
So, how did you become interested in Vx Scene?
In 2002 i started coding in VB
Mi first release was in December Of 2002
Davi :
Which of your virus would you like to take credit for?
There are two viruses that I would like to take credit...The first Is W32.BotBoice.A And the Second is W32.Warnet.C
Davi :
How do you name your viruses?
It depend....
Davi :
For example?
BotBoice put Panda AV Enterprise
Because The Vx Talk with the User
Davi :
Davi :
Which programming languages do you know? and which programming lenguage do you think is the most powerfull to make a good V?
I think .NET is good
but the executables have a big size
ASM is the most powerfull because you are working in low level
Davi :
As i know, you are a member of Vx Group called Gedzac, so, how did you become a member of this team ?
I become a member of GEDZAC in Summer of 2005
Davi :
Which AV software do you like/respect the most? Which the least?
The most....McAfee because it has the best heuristic and the least....all the rest
Davi :
What are your goals (VX wise)?
Davi :
What is your view on the continuous 'war' between VX and AV, how do you see the future of Vx Scene?
I see it difficult because the first people in Vx Scene had a lot of programs out-pathed but now all software are pathed and if not pathed yet automatically become pathed...and we have more difficult than the latest Vx Scene...I Think That
Davi :
What is your view on macro viruses vs. assembly or HLL viruses?
HLL Viruses are better than Macros i think that....maybe I’m wrong
Davi :
Which VX E-zine do you like to most?
29A but firstly GEDZAC\Mitosis
Davi :
What is your view on destructive payloads in viruses?
I coded destructives payloads
But did not add spread
If I add Spread i don't add destructive payloads
I have a Virus called W32\KillHD.HG which makes a low level shell format
But it not spread nothing
Davi :
Is there a difference between creation and spreading?
All people who know any programming language can make a Vx but not spread because you need to know the basic bugs in the P2P Applications and MSN and.....
Davi :
Davi :
Can you describe the model of a perfect virus?
It will spread in NETS, P2P, CDROMS, Skype, MSN, Yahoo Messenger, Finding Mail adresses in Google and having an SMTP engine for send all mails And a Good Protection And the names which that spread....i think that is the most interesting
Davi :
Tell us about your latest creation.
My Latest Release was Warnet.B
It's a worm which not has any destructive payload (only show a simply MessageBox) and it...spread in MSN and in P2P Programs, Nets, CDROMS, And Removible HD
Only That
Davi :
What do you think about SGWW?
I don't like that
Davi :
That's all. Thanks a lot. Be safe

See you Take Care

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CAZDEG said...
Friday, September 02, 2011  

WTF! ecores guys are bullshit, GEDZAC dead.gedzac died when Jtag, Falckon and ErGrone went and left the group. GEDZAC never returned MTF! hoy gedzac está lleno de kiddies mamones :).

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